Breaking Change: Legacy JS API

Dart Sass originally used an API based on the one used by Node Sass, but replaced it with a new, modern API in Dart Sass 1.45.0. The legacy JS API is now deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0.

Migrating UsageMigrating Usage permalink

EntrypointsEntrypoints permalink

The legacy JS API had two entrypoints for compiling Sass: render and renderSync, which took in an options object that included either file (to compile a file) or data (to compile a string). The modern API has four: compile and compileAsync for compiling a file and compileString and compileStringAsync for compiling a string. These functions take a path or source string as their first argument and then an object of all other options as their second argument. Unlike render, which used a callback, compileAsync and compileStringAsync return a promise instead.

See the usage documentation for more details.

ImportersImporters permalink

Importers in the legacy API consisted of a single function that took in the dependency rule URL and the URL of the containing stylesheet (as well as a done callback for asynchronous importers) and return an object with either a file path on disk or the contents of the stylesheet to be loaded.

Modern API Importers instead contain two methods: canonicalize, which takes in a rule URL and returns the canonical form of that URL; and load, which takes in a canonical URL and returns an object with the contents of the loaded stylesheet. This split ensures that the same module is only loaded once and that relative URLs work consistently. Asynchronous importers have both of these methods return promises.

There’s also a special FileImporter that redirects all loads to existing files on disk, which should be used when migrating from legacy importers that returned a file instead of contents.

Custom FunctionsCustom Functions permalink

In the legacy JS API, custom functions took a separate JS argument for each Sass argument, with an additional done callback for asynchronous custom functions. In the modern API, custom functions instead take a single JS argument that contains a list of all Sass arguments, with asynchronous custom functions returning a promise.

The modern API also uses a much more robust Value class that supports all Sass value types, type assertions, and easy map and list lookups.

BundlersBundlers permalink

If you’re using a bundler or other tool that calls the Sass API rather than using it directly, you may need to change the configuration you pass to that tool to tell it to use the modern API.

Webpack should already use the modern API by default, but if you’re getting warnings, set api to "modern" or "modern-compiler". See Webpack’s documentation for more details.

Vite 6 uses the modern API by default. Previous versions of Vite still use the legacy API, however from Vite 5.4 you can switch it by setting api to "modern" or "modern-compiler". See Vite’s documentation for more details.

For other tools, check their documentation or issue tracker for information about supporting the modern Sass API.

Silencing WarningsSilencing Warnings permalink

While the legacy JS API was marked as deprecated in Dart Sass 1.45.0 alongside the release of the modern API, we began emitting warnings for using it starting in Dart Sass 1.79.0. If you’re not yet able to migrate to the modern API but want to silence the warnings for now, you can pass legacy-js-api in the silenceDeprecations option:

const sass = require('sass');

const result = sass.renderSync({
  silenceDeprecations: ['legacy-js-api'],

This will silence the warnings for now, but the legacy API will be removed entirely in Dart Sass 2.0.0, so you should still plan to migrate off of it soon.